Agritech related startup Fasal raised Rs 100 crore – agritech related startup Fasal raised Rs 100 crore – StartUp News

Enfluencer Media

Agricultural technology startup Fasal has raised Rs 100 crore from investors to expand its business. According to a statement issued by Fasal, the company has raised Rs 100 crore in the Series-A funding round.

According to the statement, this amount will be used for business expansion in India and South East Asia. Fasal was founded in 2018. It uses AI (Artificial Intelligence), crop science and Internet of Things (IoT) to provide farming, crop-specific information to ensure resource optimization and higher agricultural productivity.

First Published – December 22, 2023 | 1:13 PM IST
(Business Standard staff has changed only the headline and photo of this report; the rest of the news has been published without any changes from a shared news source.)

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